I need to pass a variable from a master page to a details page when a user clicks on a link in a DataList. Right now I have a link button, but I don't know how to put the variable into the link at runtime. Hopefully this is just a matter of syntax? How can I make this work?
<ItemTemplate><asp:LinkButtonID="NameLinkButton"runat="server"Text='<%# Eval("Name") %>'PostBackUrl="details.aspx?sponsorID={0}"Font-Bold="true"></asp:LinkButton>...
</ItemTemplate></asp:DataList>try this tutorial
Tuorial #4 Understanding Web Application State in the begnner section ofhttp://www.asp.net/learn/videos/default.aspx?tabid=63#howdoi
helped me out alot on understanding how to pass from one page to the other.
Ragscoon =<^_^>=
could you define a string variable and set it equal to the text property of your linkbutton (I'm assuming the text property will be the data item you want to pass to your other page). Then add that string variable to the querystring that will be passed to your other page.
I had to do something like you are doing, except it was a linkbutton in a gridview. It came out like this:
sLocationCode = grdLocationCode.DataKeys(iIndex).Item("ALCODE").ToString()
sCountryCode = grdLocationCode.DataKeys(iIndex).Item("ALCCODE").ToString()
Response.Redirect("LocationCodeDetail.aspx?" & sCountryCode & ";" & sLocationCode)
I believe this addresses your question.
Thanks for the responses. What I am asking is: what is the syntax for concatenating the destination URL with the variable that I want to pass (the sponsorID)?
If I use:
asp:HyperLinkID="NameLabel"runat="server"Text='<%# Eval("Sponsor") %>'NavigateUrl='myDetails.aspx?sponsorID=<%# Eval("SponsorID") %>'Font-Bold="true"></asp:HyperLink>I get:
It does not parse the SponsorID variable.
To clarify the last line in my previous message:
I get:
http://localhost:2097/myFolder/myDetails.aspx?sponsorID=<%#%20Eval("SponsorID")%20%>It does not parse the SponsorID variable.
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