For example I want to have a person enter their name and hit submit.
After hiting submit, the name is entered into a database and a confirmation page with the person's name is dislayed.
How do I do this?The simplest way, is with a querystring - -
response.redirect ("newpage.aspx?name=" & txtName.text)
Then, in the new page, just capture the querystring:
Dim sName as string
From there, you can use the variable 'sName' anywhere you'd like on the page, as long as it's dimmed globally to the page (outside any events)
If u want the variable to be used only in one page Querystring is the best choice.If u want to hold the value for many pages, use Sessions.
Thanks. It's perfect.
Okay...I'm dumb..where do I declare the variable Dim strName?
I'm using Webmatrix. Do I delare them in the at the to of the html code or from the code section?
eg.<%declare here%>
in the code section...
Dim strName as string = Request.QueryString("Vari1")
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